At the end of my yoga classes there's a palpable moment of's a quiet energy - soft, peaceful, happy and full of joy.
Creating moments of bliss is an inspiration for my yoga teaching.
Join one of my yoga classes and find a bliss you can follow!
Approximately 40% of workers report 'extreme' job stress. Trillium Wellness@Work can help your business address this issue with programs aimed at stress reduction and mindfulness training.
Trillium is all about wellbeing: a state of health, happiness, harmony, blended with joy.
Experience a Yoga and meditation class, book a Wellness@Work session, or treat yourself, horse, or other pet for an energy work session.
Equine bodywork can help your horse achieve overall wellbeing and peak performance, whether you ride competitively or just for fun. You'll notice more fluid and free movements after just one session.
Pearls of Inspiration
" Climb the mountains and get their good tidings, Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.